Samaritan's Purse

Program Management Apprentice

October 2019 • Niamey, Niamey

What I liked

I have cherished being able to work alongside teams of people that love Jesus and are committed to helping people in need around the world. The Apprenticeship program allows you start making a tangible difference in the world while also providing a platform for continued learning and professional development. It is also very fun to travel around the world for your job!

What I wish was different

Samaritan's Purse is a fast-paced, disaster-responding organization. This is incredibly exciting but also means that you have to say goodbye to friends a lot! I wish there weren't so many times where you have to say goodbye, but that is a part of the work that we all sign up for at SP.


I would say to come into the experience with open hands! There will be things that come up that can distract you from the mission of SP and the reason why you wanted to work as a Christian humanitarian worker. Never lose focus on the mission of bringing physical and spiritual aid to those around the world! Let God surprise you with the doors he opens through this work.
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World Medical Mission Intern

May - August 2019 • Monrovia, Montserrado

What I liked

One of my favorite things about the internship was the community. The community (both in Boone and Liberia) was supportive, encouraging, and so willing to share wisdom. I learned so much from the people I worked with and the patients I served. Being able to see firsthand (and participate in) how Samaritan’s Purse seeks to aid broken people spiritually and physically was a blessing and an honor.

What I wish was different

This will sound like a cop out answer perhaps, but honestly one of the only things I would change was how long I was there— I wish I could’ve stayed longer!


This won’t be the last time you will here this: flexibility really is a necessity. Being able to adapt to whatever circumstances or requests are thrown at you is vital. Just remember why you are an intern too— it’s not about the growth of your resume but being an instrument in the growth of the Kingdom and glorifying the Lord.
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WASH Intern

September 2019 - May 2020 • Yangon, Yangon

What I liked

From the hiring process to debrief session, HR had been superb with helping me to understand everything and that they are always there to help. The country offices were fantastic hosts, teachers, and friends. I learned more than just being a good intern, but more about how to serve like Jesus. SP works with professionalism, humility, and Christ=centeredness.

What I wish was different

I had to leave the country abruptly because of the pandemic. I wish I could have had more time with the team and community there.


Get engaged with the community. It's easy to think that 'Work' is the most important part of your internship experience, but I learned that investing in and learning about 'People' is the more important. Learn about their culture, personal stories, testimonies, and etc. It's a good chance to learn about the Real Kingdom of God, not my version of the Kingdom of God.
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OCC International Volunteer Relations Intern

May - August 2018 • Boone, NC

What I liked

Samaritan’s Purse is truly a Christ centered organization. Every day begins with a company wide devotional and prayer time. At the heart of every project is to share the gospel and elevate the name of Christ above everything else. Great leadership and godly leaders who pour into you as a young professional and brother/ sister in Christ. During the internship they invested plenty of time and resources into our professional development, gave us experience working on major projects and presenting them before the Vice President and other departmental leaders. I was given the opportunity to travel abroad for an international conference with Christian leaders from 35 countries. My biggest highlight was working on a project to help get get the gospel to an unreached people group in the 10/40 window. It was a blessing to get solid work experience in my field while also making a real life impact by getting the gospel to some of the least reached places on earth

What I wish was different

I personally would have enjoyed a position in one of the international field offices but Boone is still a great place to spend the summer, especially for outdoor enthusiasts


I recommend you apply early and respond quickly as they literally get thousands of applicants. If you get selected for the internship, consider it a trial period between you and the organization. If you do well and stand out, they will want to keep you around and may follow up with a job offer. You should network with as many people as you can while you are there, they are amazing people who will readily pour into you with biblical wisdom or career guidance.
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Projects Intern

May - August 2018 • Sydney, New South Wales

What I liked

I loved getting to work with such an incredible organization that is so dedicated to its mission, yet willing to take the time to really invest in interns. I feel blessed to have interned in an office full of people who were willing to teach me, encourage me, and give me tasks and projects to do that really were making a difference. I remember being stunned when some of the people who worked in Projects wanted me to give them a briefing about gender-based violence (which I was researching) before they went to an event to represent some of Samaritans Purse's work combatting such violence. It was a privilege to learn and be pushed in such a top-notch environment full of the most dedicated people I've ever known.

What I wish was different

I wish that I had realized how much I could learn, and not felt as if I needed to have a 'cool' task to do or a need to prove myself. Essentially, I wish I had an attitude of humility. Otherwise, I wouldn't change a thing.


Interning for Samaritan's Purse was one of the best experiences I have ever had! I would recommend it to anyone who wants to get a realistic vision of how their passions can be turned into a real, sustainable effort to help people in Jesus' name.
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Finance Intern

May - August 2015 • Kampala, Uganda

What I liked

I loved learning about Finance overseas, visiting different offices across the country, and seeing the impact the teams in Uganda had on the community. It is awesome to see SP team with other organizations to provide food, clean water, supplies, and encouragement in the name of the Lord. My team in the Kampala office was awesome too!

What I wish was different

I was suppose to be in South Sudan with 1 other intern, but due to the unrest in the country, was moved to working in Uganda. I was okay with change, as I knew the opportunity would still be amazing, however I was sad to not have another intern in Uganda with me. I lived alone in a house for most of the trip and felt lonely at times. However, I think this is rare!


Be bold in applying for SP and see where God might lead you! My internship at SP taught me so much and the lessons I learned then still shape me many many years later!
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Communications/Grants Intern

May - August 2018 • Erbil, Erbil

What I liked

I came in skeptical I made the right choice interning with Samaritan's Purse, but I left confident that I gained tangible, transferable skills, and an experience that would boost my future job prospects as well as personally impact me. I loved the flexibility of my supervisor, the ability I had to work on many different projects and shape my experience to fit my interests, and the community of the staff in Iraq. I gained a unique cultural experience working in camps in Northern Iraq, and the people I met working at SP have shaped who I am.

What I wish was different

Though I really liked how during the course of the summer I could shift the focus of my internship and the projects I worked on, I wish I had more structure and more work. I felt like I had a higher capacity to work and didn't have the direction to really dig in as much as I would have liked in order to take full advantage of the internship.


Network before and during the application process. It will make a TON of difference on your application to have a strong understanding of the work and who recruiters are looking for. If you're doing an internship in the Field with SP, I recommend really doing your homework on the industry beforehand so you know how to really dive in. Be direct with your supervisor on what you want to learn and take on more than you think you can handle, that's where you'll really grow.
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Volunteer Relations Intern with Operation Christmas Child

May - August 2019 • Boone, NC

What I liked

My internship with Samaritan's Purse was such an incredible experience for me personally, spiritually and professionally. I got to build meaningful relationships through working with my supervisor, my team, and with other interns. Working at Samaritan's Purse propelled my confidence in pursing a career in Public Relations and it solidified a passion in me to be the hands and feet of Jesus to those in need around the world!

What I wish was different

I wouldn't change my experience I had! I felt very cared for, challenged, and encouraged during my time as an intern.


I would encourage people coming into this internship to come with a teachable attitude and a drive to pursue excellence in the work they do!
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International Security Intern

June - August 2020 • Boone, NC

What I liked

The genuine nature of everyone's dedication and commitment to Jesus first then their work second was truly refreshing. I wasn't able to attend my internship due to COVID-19, but I can say with confidence that this organization cares for everyone, employee or intern, Christian or unbeliever, friend or foe.

What I wish was different

Well obviously I wish I could have actually gone, but their communication was superb considering what everyone was going through with the virus.


While I can't speak to the experience of the internship itself, I can say that if the thorough and compassionate nature of their hiring process is anything like their work environment, anyone would be blessed to be a part of Samaritan's Purse.
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World Medical Mission Intern

May - July 2018 • Monrovia, Montserrado

What I liked

Samaritan's Purse helps people in the name of Jesus. The best part of my internship was getting to be apart of this mission and meeting true heroes that I will remember and be inspired by for the rest of my life.

What I wish was different

I wish the length of my summer internship experience was two weeks longer.


Unexpect the expected- be flexible. Samaritan's Purse knows how to move and act quick, look for opportunities to step up.
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Program and Government Relations Intern

May - August 2018 • Boone, NC

What I liked

I loved getting opportunities to work at a high level. I was respected and did not feel looked down on for being an intern. Getting the opportunity to work alongside giants in the humanitarian aid world was encouraging and inspiring.

What I wish was different


Really put yourself out there. Apply for the job. If you get it, connect with people, ask the hard questions, meet with the higher-ups that you want to learn from.
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Biomedical intern

May - August 2019 • North Wilkesboro, NC

What I liked

Great work environment! Great place for deep and meaningful relationships.

What I wish was different

I wish I had more time there.


Spend time meeting the people where you are working.
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Marketing Intern

May - July 2018 • Sydney, New South Wales

What I liked

The cultural exposure, the work environment/"family", the mission and vision of the organization - specifically how it bled down through each employee and volunteer that served with Samaritan's Purse, the way interns were welcomed on as part of the team and had privilege of jumping into meaningful projects right away.

What I wish was different

Maybe a little more structure to the overall internship program at SP-AU, but overall, it was a solid learning experience!


Be prepared to be welcomed in as one of the family! This means you will be cared for as such, but also challenged to share the load. Go in with an open mind, an open heart, and a desire to jump in with both feet. This office knows what they are doing, but they are also very receptive to new ideas, so don't be afraid to pitch in!
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Communications Intern

May - August 2018 • Kampala, Uganda

What I liked

I loved working alongside the staff of Samaritan's Purse in a manner which my skills were actually making a diffrence for the orginzation's benificeries and the orginzation as a whole. I was able to use my skills as a photographer, writer, and creative, to produce material that has been and will be used by the orginzation in there mission to walk alongside those who are suffering from natural and manmade disasters around the world.

What I wish was different


Allow it to change you. If you put your heart into the work you do, the people you serve and your coworkers, you will walk away changed.
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Asia Regional Intern

May - August 2018 • Boone, NC

What I liked

-Community: both the staff and fellow interns were phenomenal, hardworking, intelligent, and loving. They taught me much about the Lord and seeking Him in our work. -Work: I felt extremely useful, my work felt like it had purpose and contributed to something greater, and I felt adequately stretched but prepared. -Vocation: In regards to my future, this definitely helped shape my desires as I proceed with applying to Graduate School programs which are similar to my work. I fell so in love with my work and learned so much about my desires for my future that it has impacted the programs which I am selectively seeking to pursue.

What I wish was different

Nothing; absolutely nothing!


-Don't be afraid to take initiative; while it's good advice to, "not be afraid to ask questions," it's even more impressive to people when you show you are a hard worker and a self started who doesn't need to be assigned tasks to get the job done. My boss told me one of the best things he's seen in a worker is their ability to be trusted to work on their own.
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HR Intern

May - August 2018 • Boone, NC

What I liked

The position let me rub shoulders with people who have a global perspective and live out their convictions in very practical ways.

What I wish was different

I wish that I had been more intentional in connecting with my host parents. They are managers at Samaritans Purse and have so much life experience and insight. Quality conversations can get lost in the noise of the day-to-day busyness.


Be open to getting stretched in ways that you were not expecting. When fear of failure is eliminated, all become opportunities for learning. You don't know how God might use your experiences in the future.
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