HOPE International

About HOPE International

HOPE International is a network of microfinance institutions and savings and credit associations operating in 17 countries around the world. We work to empower men, women, and families to break the cycles of physical and spiritual poverty through discipleship, biblically based business training, savings services, and small loans. By incorporating a strong witness for Jesus Christ and employing a variety of approaches, HOPE is an innovator in the field of microenterprise development.


SG Program Intern

May 2018 - August 2018 Lancaster, PA
“HOPE has an amazing work culture and environment. They treat interns incredibly well, and I felt like I was genuinely contributing to the work they do and their mission.”

Development Intern

May 2018 - August 2018 Lancaster, PA
“The staff dynamic which was one of servant leadership. No one was too good for any job. You’d often see the executive team washing dishes early in the morning or taking out the trash. This was profound in my eyes and in a world that is so individualistic. They also had a large emphasis on professional development for their interns and invested largely in their dreams. They really lived out the mission of their organization with all their staff and interactions with donors and such. ”
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